Nature For Health

A journey for healing: guided by Nature, Food and Horses for an empowered, healthy and connected life.


I’m Arianna,

I am here to support your call back home; Thanks to the beautiful opportunity to study with the Academy of Healing Nutrition of London and Equine guided education by Ariana Strozzi-Mazzucchi, here I am, With a deep desire and drive to support the healing journey of others with what has changed my life.

What I offer is a big dive into your body, your inner self and the outside environment. I am here to hold the space for you to enter your self healing journey and embody who you really are.

Nature is my guide, my teacher and my home.

“They both listened silently to the water, which to them was not just water, but the voice of life, the voice of Being, the voice of perpetual Becoming.” - Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

We have forgotten the language of nature and our connection with our mother. The river shows us how to flow, earth how to support, water how to adapt and the horses how to feel.

In a world that pushes for separation, I saw the importance of wholeness, starting from our inner world that naturally reflects on the outer one.

It is the moment to go back to the Roots, to honour our body, our soul and to thrive in this incredible journey.

For the sake of an healthy, connected and strong body, mind and spirit.


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  • Holistic Nutrition Guide

  • yoga and Movement

  • healing with Nature

  •  food as medicine 




  • practice self-refletion

  • uncover emotional patterns

  • observation and listening skills

  • our energy rhythm and who we are

  • expanding from our center

  • how to be present

  • managing the pressure

  • leadership skills


My guiding principles

Food as Medicine

By applying Ancient sacred knowledge and the power of nature we can shift the paradigm of “health”. Let us return to our roots, to evolve in our body and souls. I believe in our own self healing power. With the support of Chinese medicine and longevity diet, food becomes our medicine.

Nature as our guide

In the process of becoming one, nature guides us every day. Remembering the language of our mother allows us to expand and reunite with our identity.

Horses healing Humans

They are mirrors of truth, showing us with out judgement who we are at the present moment; they don’t have an agenda, they live in the now. Their structure and big heart allows them to be very sensible to the environment, mirroring the energies around them. They are teachers and healers: let’s open to the possibility of change with the sacred support of Horses.

“ I noticed some great changes. One that I greatly appreciated is how you listened to me and took to heart the areas in which I needed help improving, giving me clear and simple solutions for each one. ”


“ I truly thank you for all that you taught me regarding foods, some of which I had never tried before but realized how accessible they are. A side from that I also thank you for pursing this journey on a mind-soul-body note, not only focusing on the physical aspects but on the spiritual ones as well, trying to get to the root of each topic. ”


“ This program has been a beautiful, life-changing journey, and I can honestly say that I have never felt this connected to my body and food before. I have tried various diets in the past, but none have had the profound impact that Arianna's program has had on my well-being. Not only am I more energetic and rested now, but all the issues I previously had have disappeared and I find it easier to heal chronic pains such as headaches or PMS .”


Let’s meet and create a connection!

“Feel more to think better”